Breast Surgery


        Whether you want to achieve your desired look, accentuate your figure, or regain breast fullness, our cosmetic breast implants and breast augmentation procedures are designed to enhance the shape and size of your breasts.

        Breast implants are becoming increasingly common with women of all ages and body sizes.

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        For many patients a breast reduction and lift provides symptomatic relief for women with large breasts, a breast reduction is a powerful tool in my armamentarium, it may ease chronic pain, as well as improve self-esteem. The procedure includes removal of excess tissue and skin to make your breasts smaller, and then moving of the nipples up in position to give them a lift. This incudes reshaping of the Areolar to be in proportion with the smaller and re-sized breast shape. As part of the pre operative process we provide a scan and computerised guide to how the breast lift positioning and shape will appear to give patients a better understanding of the cosmetic and surgical outcome.

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        Implant removal (or explant surgery) is an option for patients who are having problems with their breast implants, or who now simply prefer to be implant-free. The procedure removes the implant, usually along with part or all of the surrounding scar capsule. A capsulectomy is performed under a general anaesthetic, meaning that you are ‘asleep’ for the procedure. It is performed under through an incision in the natural crease below the breast. Through this incision the breast implant and capsule (scar tissue that surrounds the breast implant) is removed completely. A capsulectomy is a procedure that is carefully and precisely carried out, ensuring your body is removed of silicon from the implants, while also avoiding any damage to your normal tissue. In theory the capsulectomy ensures the maximum amount of silicon is removed without contaminating the body further. It also allows your breast tissue to return to its natural and normal state.

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        Breast implant corrections can become necessary for patients who have experienced suboptimal outcomes following breast implant surgery or ruptured breast implants. This may occur when a patient chooses a surgeon who isn’t adequately skilled with breast implants, or who doesn’t acquire proper measurements for pre-surgery planning. We also frequently receive requests for breast corrections when a patient has received cheap ‘production-line’ breast implant surgeries that haven’t been customised for their individual needs.

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        A breast lift of the natural breast will reshape and tighten your breast contours, resulting in a firmer and perkier appearance.

        Some patients choose to have just a lift or lift & reduction combined.

        Some patients also opt to include breast implants as part of a lift procedure, if they do not have enough fullness of the natural breast, or are seeking a desired result that on consultation implants are deemed best suited to proceed with.

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        Breast reconstruction surgery restores the appearance of a natural breast and replaces breast tissue lost during a mastectomy. The aim is to either match the remaining breast as closely as possible, or create a pair of symmetrical and natural-looking breasts.

        Some people find that having their nipples tattooed is an important final step in the breast reconstruction process giving that last boost of confidence, for more information on this process please click on this link below:

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        Your areolas are the pigmented areas surrounding your nipples. Like breasts, areolas vary widely in size, color, and shape. It’s perfectly normal to have large or differently sized areolas. If you’re uncomfortable with the size of your areolas, reduction is possible. Areola reduction surgery is a relatively simple procedure that can reduce the diameter of one or both of your areolas. It can be performed on its own, or together with a breast reduction, breast lift or augmentation procedure.

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        Gynaecomastia is an excessive enlargement of the male breast and may be present in one breast (unilaterally) or in both breasts (bilaterally). It is often tender and may become a cosmetic issue. It is not an uncommon condition in both teenage boys as well as adult men and can be due to excessive levels of the female hormone oestrogen which is normally present at very low levels in males.

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        A benign breast condition refers to a lump, cyst, or nipple discharge (fluid) of the female or male breast that is not cancerous. For women, the most common ones are: Fibrocystic breast changes. Fibrosis feels like scar tissue and can be rubbery and firm. Although usually benign, some phyllodes tumors can become cancerous (malignant). Doctors usually recommend that these be removed. Unlike breast cancers, benign breast conditions are not life-threatening. But some are linked with a higher risk of getting breast cancer later on. Some breast changes may not cause symptoms and may be found during a mammogram.

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